Utilizes Python to automate a standard next generation sequencing analysis pipeline using standard bioinformatics tools.
Implements a deep neural network along with transfer learning using PyTorch to classify tissue image samples as having cancer or not.
Uses a convolutional neural network architecture to perform semantic image segmentation of cells in microscope images. Addresses a inconvenience of cell counting in biological laboratories.
Build a GAN model to generate novel chest x-ray scans. Provides method to introduce additional training data that computer vision tasks.
Applies K-Means Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction Techniques to Classify Cancer Microarray Data.
Utilizes standard text processing methodologies to create an unsupervised NLP model. User can ask model a question, and it answers with relevant information drawing from Wikipedia dataset.
Transforms and stabilizes Airbnb property registration data through smoothing methods including rolling average and decomposition. Utilized ACF & PACF plots to detrmine model parameters.